GSL July Code S Results

GSL July Finals Code S

Nestea wins his third GSL title beating teammate IMLosira in 4 straight sets claiming yet another title into his already impressive Starcraft 2 game resume. The Zerg President's run in GSL July could not be more perfect without dropping a single game and map throughout the whole tournament. Nestea is the first SC2 player to ever wins 3 GSL titles ahead of other champions such as oGsMC and IMMvP. This is truely a dominating season for Nestea. 

GSL July Up and Down Results

The Up and Down matches for GSL July is finally here. Fates of the players will be determined from today onwards for who are the lucky few that will be promoted and joining the Code S ranks and those who will stay or being demoted into Code A GSL Starcraft 2. The new format works differently front the previous GSL Up and Down tournament formats.

  • Code A winner will be promoted into Code S instantly
  • MLG Winner will obtain a Code S for the next month
  • 4th place from Round of 32 Code S (8 players) and (7 players) from top 8 Code A will be divided into 3 Groups of 5. 
  • 1st and 2nd place of the group will advance to Code S.
Day 3 Up and Down Matches GSL July Results

2 more Terrans made it onto the next GSL Code S, which means that there will be 16 Terrans in Code S. This could be 17 if the winner of MLG Anaheim is a Terran. We will be having a lot of TvT in the GSL future.

TSL_Alive vs ogsInca
MVPKeen vs LeenockfOu
TSLAlive vs Vanvanth
MVPKeen vs oGsInca
TSL_Alive vs LeenockfOu
MVP_Keen vs Vanvanth
TSLAlive vs MVPKeen
oGsInca vs LeenockFOu

1. TSL_Alive 3-0 Code S
2. MVP_Keen 3-0 Code S
3. oGsInca 1-2 Code A
4. LeenockfOu 1-2 Code A
5. Vanvanth 0-2 Code A

Terran Tips TvP

Protoss players are starting to use the Zealot Archon mix against Terran players more and more currently and this seems to be the current trend in the battlenet online game. I personally have been a huge favourite of this strategy with a large number of Chargelots with Archons and Templars. As a Terran player, when you are facing against this unit mix, it is best for you to get as many Ghosts as possible. Ghost are incredible and the perfect counter against this Protoss death ball due to their EMP effect of removing 100 Energy as well as Shields from the Protoss. A few well placed EMPs can end the game right there.

The late game of PvT currently mostly dictated by the Storm and EMP battles and battle positioning. If the Terran player manage to EMP all the High Templars, the Protoss player is as good as dead. On the other hand, Feedbacks often time instantly one shot kill the Ghosts. Thus, the battle between Ghosts and High Templars will always determine the outcome of the Terran vs Protoss late game if there are no Colossus and Vikings.

I will outline some tips here when you are facing against Protoss players going for the fast Speedlots with Archon mix during your online game plays.

1. Build Supply Depots in front of your Bunkers

Slayers_Eve First Starcraft 2 Female Progamer

Team Slayers has recruited the very first Stacraft 2 female professional gamer in Korea. Slayers_Eve will be the march official female entry into the famous online game Starcraft 2 community currently dominated by the male scene. This is the first time, fans and Starcraft 2 enthusiasts will be able to watch a Korean female progamer perform on stage. There were previous female SC2 players around but Eve is the very first to join an official SC2 team.

Slayers_Jessica or Kim Ga Yeon, Boxer's girl friend and team manager of Slayers has scouted Eve based on her skills and looks. Eve was first spotted in the Slayers team bench alongside manager Slayers_Cella and other members of Slayers in GSTL week 4.

GSL July Code A Results

GSL Code A Semifinals Results

Zenex_Puzzle wins Starcraft 2 Code A Finals for GSL July taking down Hoseo.Tassadar 4 to 2. In the first 2 games, Tassadar won easily with well executed 4 Gate. After going down 2 games, Puzzle impressively won the next 4 claiming the Code A champion earning him a spot in the GSL Code S. Puzzle's Blink micro wasimpressive and he is definitely the superior player out of the two Protosses. Tassadar by no means bad but is indeed a great player himself having made all the way into the SC2 Code A finals. Out of the 6 games, a majority of them involves 4 Gating which are not the most impressive finals series. But these players are there to win, thus, they will do whatever it takes. Puzzle will be joining the Code S players next season and will be aiming for a GSL title which he is capable of.

Zenex_Puzzle 4-2 NSHoseo.Tassadar

TSL_Puma Wins NASL Season 1

TSL_Puma wins North American Star League (NASL) Season 1 after taking down the heavyweight, Kratoss Protoss, President Toss and now ObamaToss, oGsMC in a very epic final series. The lesser known Terran, performed extremely well throughout the whole tournament, taking down the best players from SC2. First decimating Team Liquids very own Ret fashionably, next rolling over ST_Squirtle, burning through the forces of the legendary JulyZerg, The God of War and Golden Mouse winner of Brood War and finally facing none other than oGsMC in the grand Finals. Puma pockets an incredibly fat paycheck of $50,000 for his impressive performance.

TSL_Puma from The SCV Life, was formerly a Brood War player from eSTRO team in Korea. Although not incredibly impressive during his Brood war carrier, surprisingly, Puma is one of the most requested practice player. Puma is a lesser known player in GSL. Failing to qualify for code A in GSL, Puma's only appearance in the Starcraft 2 scene is from his plays in the GSTL (Global Starcraft Team League). His play style is still unknown and hidden from most players.However, this player is practicing incredibly hard in Starcraft 2 like every other Korean professional gamers. Finally, Puma is able to make a name for himself in Starcraft 2 by taking down NASL and oGsMC. This will eventually skyrocket Puma's recognition in Starcraft 2.

Puma's superior run through the NASL Open qualifiers which eventually taking the whole open qualifiers facing against the best players to made it into the NASL top 16 is no easy task. The open qualifiers were mostly dominated by Koreans as well.

oGsMC Owning North Amerian (NA) SC2 online game Server!!

oGsMC has been playing on the North Amerian (NA) SC2 online game Server with an impressive 86-2 or a 97.73% win rate. MC is currently in the Masters League as there is no way to make it into the top 200 Grandmasters League that is locked. MC is seen dominating the NA server with ease. I wonder where did the 2 loses came from and who were able to take games off the best Protoss player in the world.

10+1 Warp Prism Tips!!

Warp Prism is a very much underused Protoss unit within the Protoss army arsenal. The often forgotten unit is seeing little players by most SC2 professional gamers. However, Whitera seems to be the front runner with his Warp Prism haress strategy and tactics. Watching Whitera in his online game stream proves that the Warp Prism is indeed a very worth unit to be used especially against Zergs and Terrans. Here's some tips on using the Warp Prism.

1. Auto turn into Phasing mode at a Location
Basically you Right Click the Warp Prism to a certain location (especially at the corner edges of your opponent base) and hold SHIFT and press E. This allows the Warp Prism to turn into the Warpin mode automatically at the location. This is best used for haressment and Warping in Dark Templars or when you are busy macroing or microing your units.

2. Do remember to shift right click around the map to avoid detection from the Terran.
Drops is extremely effective when it is unscouted. This is proven by the fearsome Terran drops at multiple locations. Being caught off guard can be game ending most of the time.

3. Warp Prism with Dark Templars
Ahh the invincible Protoss unit with crazy high damage. Currently, in the Protoss vs Terran matchup, majority of the Terrans are walling off the front of their base with Bunkers and Supply Depots. Using Warp Prism allows you to bypass the front wall and start haressing the SCV workers line. You can always pick up your DTs and retreat safely when the Terran's army are charging back.

Force Field Delay when holding down 'F' Button Keyboard Fix

Most Protoss players I have seen on my online games and professional gamers are using the 'F Click, F Click, F Click' when casting multiple Force Fields. This is probably they more common used way. There is another way of casting multiple Force Fields by HOLDING DOWN F and LEFT click, click, click. Both ways works well and this is up to your preference.

Whey does 'Holding Down' the F key works? The general answer lies in the design of Stacraft 2, where holding down a specific button will have the same aspect of pressing the key multiple times. This is often used by Zerg players where holding down the 'D' button after selecting the larvae will issue a command to build multiple Drones. Often times this trick is used by Protoss players when warping in multiple units. 'Hold down Z and left click, click, click' will warp in multiple Zealots.

oGsMC 3 Zealot Protoss vs Zerg Build

I guess most of you have watched oGsMC's replays and casts from the recent Dreamhack and even the previous MLG. MC deemed the best Starcraft 2 Protoss in the world currently showed an impressive performance for every tournament he attended. A two time GSL champion himself, MC is probably the most consistent player in the game of Starcraft 2. The Boss Toss always showed new strategies and build order everytime on tournaments. With impressive micro and macro, MC is feared by everyone, and his pride attitude manage to gain lots of fans and also antifans out there. His rivalry with the infamous Gracken, EGIdra seems unending as they are destined to play against each other in every tournament they attend from Dreamhack Invitational, MLG and even Homestory cup. Currently, MC is in the upper hand of winning all their encounters.

Lets come back to the 3 Zealot Protoss vs Zerg oGsMC build. This build is unknown by most people and I have only seen MC done this build twice in the tournament scene. MC showed this build the first time during his encounter with EGIdra at MLG Columbus and the second time during his match against GGNaugrim a Zerg player at Dreamhack. This build is has not caught the eyes of most players. However, when MC performs a build, he has a reason. First lets take a look at MC's 3 Zealot PvZ build order.

Build Order
  • 9 Pylon (Do not Chrono any Probes)
  • 11 Gateway
  • 14 Gas
  • 16 Pylon
  • Chrono out 3x Zealot

Shift Rally - SC2 Tips

Ever got tired of rallying your units to a dead unit, which in turns sending the rallying unit into oblivion? I have lost countless of Phoenixes and Colossus in my online games which costs me games due to this fact alone. Rallying your Stargates to a Phoenix or even a Void Ray can be devastating when you lost the initial unit that your Stargates are rallying to.

This even goes for other SC2 races such as Terran and Zerg to a certain extend. This works to a certain extend for Terran and Zerg because majority of your games, you would want to rally your units to a certain location spot as a Terran and Zerg.

As for Protoss, this Shift Rally works wonderfully for units such as Phoenixes, Void Rays and Colossus. You will always want to rally your Phoenix into your main Phoenix group flying around the map. Traditionally, most players only right click on a Phoenix to rally their Stargates to. At times, the player does not realise that the initial Phoenix was lost in battle. Newly rallied units will be heading towards the spot where the initial Phoenix died. This is totally terrible if you do not realise this. If you do, you can always pull them back and rerally your units to your other Phoenix.


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