Shift Rally - SC2 Tips

Ever got tired of rallying your units to a dead unit, which in turns sending the rallying unit into oblivion? I have lost countless of Phoenixes and Colossus in my online games which costs me games due to this fact alone. Rallying your Stargates to a Phoenix or even a Void Ray can be devastating when you lost the initial unit that your Stargates are rallying to.

This even goes for other SC2 races such as Terran and Zerg to a certain extend. This works to a certain extend for Terran and Zerg because majority of your games, you would want to rally your units to a certain location spot as a Terran and Zerg.

As for Protoss, this Shift Rally works wonderfully for units such as Phoenixes, Void Rays and Colossus. You will always want to rally your Phoenix into your main Phoenix group flying around the map. Traditionally, most players only right click on a Phoenix to rally their Stargates to. At times, the player does not realise that the initial Phoenix was lost in battle. Newly rallied units will be heading towards the spot where the initial Phoenix died. This is totally terrible if you do not realise this. If you do, you can always pull them back and rerally your units to your other Phoenix.

However, this new trick allows you to rally all your Phoenix to your existing group even you have lost one or two units. Basically all you do here is:

1. Select your Stargate
2. Right click on one of your Phoenix
3. Hold down Shift and Right click on the other Phoenix

Lets take a look at the snapshots here.

If you are using the Shift Rally correctly, you will be noticing the rally below the units such as the Phoenixes above when they are moving. Basically the whole trick is to rally new units to the second unit if the first rally unit is lost.

This works well for units such as Immortals and Colossus.

Good luck in trying the Shift Rally tips in your online games and not to worry about rallying your units into a dead unit.

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