3 Roach Rush 3RR for Zergs by Ncinerate in ZvP and ZvT

Roach Rush variation builds such as 5 Roach Rush (5RR) and 7 Roach Rush (7RR) can often be seen mostly on the lower league of Starcraft 2. This is often considered cheesy and all in by most Zerg players, where often times, Zerg is being considered as a macro race. An unscouted Roach Warren early in the game by a Protoss players can usually means a game loss in the Protoss perspective. However, higher league players such as Diamond and Masters do a very good job in scouting overall and can often foil a 5 RR and 7RR perfectly.

A new and improved version of Roach Rush strategy has been introduced by Ncinerate. A 3 Roach Rush 3RR variation which focuses on getting 3 Roaches out as soon as possible in the game. Ncinerate earlier 3RR strategy is called 'Lightning Ragnarok Majesty' an indeed a cheesy and catchy name. However, he managed to tweak his 3RR build to an even faster timing at 3:33 mark which is considered super early Roaches.

With this build, often times if scouted, it can still be difficult to react such early in the game. As a Protoss player myself, battling 3 Roaches with a Zealot while waiting for the Stalker which seems to build forever can be a difficult task. A micro mistake here can often translate to a game loss. Even a Terran can often times fall to this build. Here's his build.

  • Send Overlord to opponents ramp
  • 3 Drones
  • 9 Spawning Pool
  • 2 More Drones
  • 10/10 Extractor
  • 9/10 Roach Warren asap
  • 2 Drones on Gas when its done
  • 9/10 Overlord
  • 3 Roaches asap
  • 3 Roaches towards opponent's base at 3:33
With your Overlord acting as your scout and giving you a high ground sight, you can easily kite your opponent's Zealot or Marines at the choke. Your main priority is taking down Pylons or Supply depot. Prevent from getting your Roaches surrounded by workers and micro them properly.

This strategy works perfectly on smaller two player maps. If you are looking for new cheesy strategies other than 6/7/8 Pool rush or just trying out new Zerg strategies, this present a good opportunity for you. Try out yourself in your Zerg vs Protoss ZvP and Zerg vs Terran ZvT matches and you may steal wins against unprepared opponents.

Here's a few replays by the creator Ncinerate himself.






  1. any ideas against this?ive just started sc2 and faced this already too many times in silver. im protoss btw. and nice site:D just found it yesterday. will be glad if u post for tips and guides for lower league players:D

  2. Thanks for visiting my site. I havn't actually face Zerg who all in roach rushes for a long long time. My best bet is to just throw down a Forge and Cannon on your ramp. First you determine the timing of the Zerg's spawning Pool. Any pool before 10 food means an aggressive starting from the Zerg. Do pay attention to when does the Zerg puts down his expansion with your scouting Probe as well. You would not want to overreact as Zerg can always switch to macro mode again.

  3. This build is very effective against Terran but does require good micro. 3 Roaches will 1 shot marines and SCV's. The important thing is to not let them get a surround with SCV's once your in.

  4. Actually stutter micro isn't so hard. With practice you'll perfect it in no time.



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