The exact Protoss 4 Gate build

Every Protoss player should be very familiar with the 4 gating strategy. However, I always wonder how many of you do in fact knows the exact 4 Gating build strategy which is often used in Protoss vs Protoss and to a lesser extend in Protoss vs Terran match up. The perfect 4 gate strategy that I will be writing here is the near optimized 4 Gate build focusing on Zealots and Stalker.

The Build Order

  • 9/10 Pylon 
  • Chrono Boost Probes once Pylon is done
  • 12/18 Gateway and scout with Probe
  • Chrono Boost Probes once more (Spend only a total of 2 Chrono Boost on Probes and the rest for Warp Gate research)
  • 14/18 Assimilator
  • 15/18 Pylon
  • Put Probes into Assimilator when done
  • 17/18 Cybernetics Core
  • Train a Zealot
  • Continue Probes
  • When Core is done Chrono Boost a Stalker and Warp Gate Research
  • Constant Chrono Boosting on Warp Gate Research
  • Stop your Probes when you have 24/26 food count including one Zealot and one Stalker
  • Save up to 450 and build 3 more Gateways
  • Train one more Stalker, thus 26/26 with 20 Probes plus One Zealot and 2 Stalkers
  • Proxy a Pylon near opponents base now with your previous scouting Probe
  • When Warp Gate research is done, warp in 4 more stalkers
  • The exact timing of this build now is approximately 5:45 to 5:50  minutes in game time
  • With your 1 Zealot and 6 Stalkers, use your Probe to build another Pylon outside your opponent's ramp
  • The next round of warp in will consists of 4 Zealots and proceed to win the game.
If you already this build, Good. If you don't it is now time to practice and perfect this 4 gate build, which one of the very best 4 gate builds available in the PvP and to a lesser extend in PvT.


  1. Do you push with the 1 Zealot and 6 Stalkers, or do you wait for the ramp pylon and push with 5 Zealots and 6 Stalkers?

  2. Just push up with 1 Zealot an 6 Stalkers.

  3. I think a mix of half stalkers, 1/4th sentries, 1/4 zeals (zeals are meatshields) since forcefield blocks the terran/zerg reinforcing or repairing, zeals tank dmg while stalkers pick on enemy.

  4. You cannot afford sentries in the exact 4 Gate build. 1 sentry uses the same amount of gas as 4 stalkers unless you go for a sentry and more zealots with less stalkers ( may be more viable against zerg )

  5. Ya, the answer above is right. The whole build itself is very tight. You can have 2 stalkers with 1 Zealot. When your warpGate is done, you will have exactly 200 gas to warp in 4 Stalkers.



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