How to Improve in Starcraft 2 - Part 12 - Units Mix Psychology

Units mix psychology is a very essential and interesting topic in the world of Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2 is a strategy based game involving a wide variety of decision mixes from each players. In general, this magnificent game is normally being divided into different unit combination for each races. Each races; the Zerg, Terran and Protoss each has their own different unit paths that players can utilize. Different units create the distinct uniqueness of each race thus, creating a totally different play style and strategies involved. This often leads to the strengths and weaknesses for the race itself. Protoss armies are generally, being the most expansive and high resources requirement especially in the form of Gas but the strongest in the game. On the other hand, Terran bio units such as Marines and Marauders are the most efficient unit in the game. Zerg has the ability to create a massive army mix in the blink of an eye if larvae permits.

Often times, X unit is considered to be the direct counter for unit Y. Take a Protoss vs Zerg match as an example. Hydras counters Protoss Gateway units due to it's high Damage per Second before the present of High Templars. Colossus is the direct counter to Hydras. A high amount of Corruptors will break the Colossus in no time. We are not counting from the perspective of a mix army here, just unit X vs unit Y.

The point of this how to improve in Starcraft 2 series will be looking into the perspective of Unit Mix Psychology. After watching the finals match between NightEnd (Protoss) against Morrow (Zerg), both insanely high ranked players in the Team Liquid Open tournament yesterday, NightEnd did a very interesting psychology build which he managed to pull off and eventually winning the match. NightEnd's strategy from the match itself can be summarized as;
  • 1 Robo
  • Getting an Immortal and a Robotics Bay
  • Train a Colossus and add in a second Robotics Facility
  • And scout, If opponent has a Spire, build only Immortals
  • If not continue to pump out colossus
This is a very general strategy in PvZ. Often times, the Zerg player may trained too many Corruptors thus consuming its ability to obtain a decent ground army. The Protoss player can often times, proceed without any air units to render the Corruptors useless. Morrow overreacted to NightEnds single Colosus by training probably 8 Corruptors.

Lets look at another PvT match between IMSeed (Protoss) against oGsHyperdub (Terran) in the recent Global Starcraft Team League (Korean SC2 tournament between Clans). Both of these teams needs no introduction. IMSeed the Protoss player managed to scout Hyperdub who is doing a 1 Barracks into expansion. Seed proceeded to expand himself across the map in a hidden location. Here's the real distinction between your normal PvT matches. Seed started to research Hallucination. Terran failed to scout the Protoss hidden expansion. IMSeed then Hallucinated two (I think) Immortals into his small army mix of only Gateway Units consisting Stalkers Sentries and Zealots. Seed then started moving towards the expansion of Hyperdub defended by only two bunkers. Hyperdub saw Seed's army outside his base and brought a high amount of SCVs towards his bunker in preparation to repair. Seed wisely turns around after revealing both his Hallucinated Immortals before taking and damage that may reveal his little secrets.

Thus, IMseed managed to tricked Hyperdub into thinking that he went for a 2/3 gate Robo strategy while in fact he did a 1 Gate expansion. Seed proceeded to put down another expansion at his natural expo which looks exactly like a failed 2/3 Gate Robo. Thus Seed's little mind trick here manage to win the game. Terran's army will not move out at this stage fearing of the Protoss Immortals in general.

Thus, constant switching between units and strategies can often times gain you valuable psychological advantage against your opponents. A hidden and unscouted Dark Shrine or Fleet Beacon can often catch your opponent off guard. Hallucinated Phoenix in the Terran vs Protoss matchup will make the Terran think twice about going Banshees build. Hope you like this.


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