Tester SSkS vs MeatBat Korean PvZ

The king of sc2 Beta, Tester or known as ssks tslsakisoo, TslTrickster whatever u call him is the very best Protoss during the beta session for SC2. He has won countless tournaments during the beta phase with his Protoss arsenal. He is a well known name in Korean SC2 scene as a GSL Code S competitor.

Today on this cast by xHydrax, Tester takes on Meatbat a Zerg player with 3000 points in the Korean Master League here on Xel naga Caverns. Most of the pros claim that Tester's PvZ is clearly imbalance and the best PvZ player out there. Do take note this is before the patch, where 2 pylon block on the bottom ramp can still be done.

It seems that top Korean Sc2 Pros seldom post their replays to prevent leaking of their strategies. Thus, enjoy this.


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