The 6th Sense of StarCraft or Gamesense

Most of you will probably heard of the term Game sense and you may or may not have any knowledge of what does it really means.

Game-sense or game-centred approach is the use of games or match play situations where the players are empowered to think of tactics, quick decision making and problem solving in a highly motivational environment. (
The definition above gives a very clear description on what a game sense is. In a game of Starcraft, very often you encounter situation that requires a very quick thinking of strategy, for eg. when your opponent starts to build a Pylon and Proxy cannon at your base in a PvP match. You have to make a very very quick decision here whether will you be able to stop those cannons from going up or prepare with getting an expo up, or getting cannons of your own.

All this does not come during the first time you are facing a new strategy. Say this is your first game of SC and your opponent comes and Cannon cheese you. Most of the newer players will have trouble in facing something new. As you play more games and practice more, you will most likely to face a different wide variety of strategies being thrown at you by your opponents. Be it a fast bio push, banshees, 6 pool rushes, proxy gate zealots, very quick hatchery expo etc. You will start to slowly adept to what is being thrown at you.

This is what game sense generally comes in. A lot of the times, a majority of players will not be able to predict the outcome of a battle. You have 10 Stalkers facing and army of 50 Speedlings. A good player will be able to tell the he will most likely to lose the battle. A player without much experience will try to engage the battle and lose all of his Stalkers. This is one of the important aspects of game sense, to be able to predict the outcome of a battle. Too many times have I seen my Random Team allies engage a battle the is impossible to win.

This should be a better example. You send your 9th Pylon probe to scout your opponent. Upon reaching his base, you see no Pylons or whatsoever. Your first response will be to start scouting your base surroundings for proxy cannons or gateways. This is a game sense. A lot of pro players can tell approximately what their opponents has at a give point of time. Say a Colossus shouldn't appear at 5 mins of the time as it's most likely an Illusion.
You have read from a forum from on how to stop cannon rushes in PvP. The next time, you face someone who cannon rushes you. From what you, had read, you are required to send 3-4 probes per cannon, 1 to chase his probe, while chrono boosting out your Zealot. You manage to stop the rush and win the game. This is what you have learn. So basically you will do the same tactic to fight off cannon rushes every time.

In my opinion game sense comes purely on practice and experience. The more you practice against and with a strategy, the more you understand the match up. You will most likely to make the decision based on your previous encounter with the same strategy that wins you the game. You will see a lot of pro players being thrown off their game, when something unexpected happens. Game sense tells you what you should do during certain situation.

Finally, Game Sense generally is an accumulation of experience and practice that automatically tells you what is the course of action during certain situation which requires a very quick thinking and decision making. Finally remember to practice, practice and practice.

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