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If you have any questions related to Starcraft 2 that you wish to ask, feel free to drop a comment below. You are free to post questions related to specific strategies, your execution, how to improve your gameplay by posting your replays, build orders, guide, defending specific pushes, overall game plan or anything you want. We are here to improve ourselves to be a better gamer.



  1. Thanks for the great posts.

    Would you recommend any custom maps that helps with the game play of your matches?

  2. Sup,
    Unit tester maps are a good way to help you train such as Force Field and engaging fights. Good for testing. Micro war maps can be useful too to train up your micro like those from Warcraft 3.

    However, the best is still to play against real opponents or Insane computer.

  3. Real opponents check, Insane computer check, will look into Unit tester and Micro War maps to improve the micro.

    Thank you on the tips, much appreciated.

    Currently stuck at Plat. up/down in the top 10 aiming diamond, hopefully will get there soon.

  4. Hi, I visit this site everyday, thanks a lot for all the advices. I play zerg :)

    1) Can you let us know where can we find the micro maps?

    2) Actually, what is the best way for multiple larva injects with your queens?

    3) How can I improve my APM? I am stucked in 95-105. I already watched the day9 video but I feel that I need more APM for efective injects and creep spread.

    Thanks and regards

  5. Thanks Ringeril
    1) NA server, search for 'Unit Tester'. The first map Unit Tester Online is good to train. You can also search for 'Micro' for micro maps. Actually those micro maps such as Unit Drafting, Micro arena are mostly for fun. I don't play Custom games tbh.

    2)Injecting Larvas. There are couple of different ways out there such as using the BackSpace Right shift button or injecting through minimaps. However, I feel that those are useless. The best option is still the traditional way to inject larva. Hotkey your queens, Inject your hatcheries one by one. Most pro gamers like Idra still sticks to this.

    3) APM comes naturally. Most or nearly all pros play Sc2 like a 'Sequence'. Sequence here indicates a series of actions done and repeating it over and over again. EG Zerg.
    1. Check army positioning and build army.
    2. Inject Larva
    3. Spread Creep
    4. Check minimap

    Above not followed by any order. You are free to do whichever way you feel best. If you are constantly repeating the sequence fast and being efficient, your APM will naturally increase.

    Good luck

  6. Is there a config för the graphic settings that is allowed and will give you an easier time to spot whats happening on the battlefield? Pro's have what i seem to understand pretty costumized settings via file-editing.

  7. Ok most pros uses the LOW settings for Textures and Graphics. Some uses MEDIUM setting. There are events where the pro gamer uses ULTRA for effects. There is no best settings out there atm. Choose one which is most suitable and fits you. I don't think they are using any file editing.

    Make sure you choose a setting where you can easily detects Clocked units such as Observers and DTs easily.

  8. Any tips in which settings cloaked units are easiest to spot in?

  9. Most people just stick to the low/medium settings. Less distraction from the map.

  10. Man i recently readed your post about 1/1/1 from terran, the thing is i tried void rays vs that imba 1/1/1 but the terran its not silly when he sees a stargate with the scan they make more marines and void rays mean sh&@^t to marines so if you have some replays you can upload would be so good......

    atte: A fan of your web site : )

  11. Thank you for your support.

    Normally, when I'm pulling a Void Ray build, I always either build the Stargate at the edge of the base or just Proxy the Stargate. Currently maps are so huge and easy to just proxy it. You would have 3 Gate at your base if he scans.

    Another important note here is just to get 2 Void Rays, and start warping in Stalkers and Sentries. Hold your position outside the Terran base and focus down any Depots. When the Terran moves closer, use Force Field to trap some units at the front and proceed to win slowly. Marines are totally useless here.

    Sorry I do not keep replays. I'll try to post I have get any. Cheers.

  12. recently i see a lot of blink stalkers + immortal in the gsl, may i know do u use this in your ladder game? i know 4 gate is still common and if u do it well it can even get u to code A in gsl, but i feel like trying the blink stalkers + immortals composition build, can u write on that? :)

  13. Sup,
    I think your referring to PvPs. Immortal with Blink Stalkers seems to be the best build currently (will be weaker after patch from blink nerf). 4 Gates can still work at times except far position.

    Here's a rough build. There's a couple of PvP openings out there. Most important is to check the Gas timing of your opponent. Most PvP will get the GAS, the third PYLON the 24 food mark and CHRONO BOOST. Just to let you know Stalker comes out around 4.20/30 so you can scout till that time. Basically I like 2 of these openings.

    1. 3 Gate opening
    9 Pylon
    12 Gate
    14 Gas
    17 Core
    18 Zealot
    22 Stalker
    24 Gas/Pylon
    26 2xGates
    Get a Robo or Council and the other later

    2. Gate Robo Gate
    9 Pylon
    12 Gate
    14 Gas
    17 Core
    18 Zealot
    22 Stalker
    24 Gas/Pylon
    Robo etc

    3. 3 Stalker Build
    9 Pylon
    12 Gate
    14 Gas
    16 Core
    Core at 30% 2nd Gate
    You can Chrono 3 Stalkers out OR Spend all your Chronos on WarpGate (You can switch to 4 gate too)

    The most important part in PvP. Sometimes you can fake 4 gating your opponent by getting your Gas at 26 and sending over Zealot/Stalker/Stalker with a Probe.

    For more detail builds you can always refer to oGsMC and LiquidHuk's build. They are awesome in PvP. Good luck



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