The Deadly Polt Timing Push Terran one base: Terran vs Protoss Strategy

During GSL 1, PoltPrime a top Terran player from Clan Polt used a one basing Terran Strategy to take wins mostly from of his TvP matches. Using a unit combination in the form of Marines, Siege Tanks, Banshees, Raven with some SCVs, Polt Prime seemed to be dominating his TvP games easily. This is referred to as the infamous 'Polt Timing Push'. Pushing around the timing of of 9:30 minutes in game where most Protoss player will not have enough units to match the might of Terran ball. This strategy works perfectly against a 1 Gate expo Protoss Player or normally know as the KCDC 1 Gate expo. This is due to Protoss inability to match up the number of units at this time against such a huge and insanely high Damage Per Second DPS Terran armies.

The Polt Timing Push gains its strength  from units such as Marines with insane DPS. A Raven is being thrown into the mix for Point Defense Drone PDD to deny opponent's Stalkers. Banshees are used to haress during the early stage to force Stalkers from the Protoss and using PDD to deny them when the major push by the Terran player comes. Siege Tank with Siege mode gains the Terran valuable terrain Positioning and forces the Protoss player to fight at bad locations. A slow siege Tank leap frog push; where you move your Siege Tanks closer to opponent's base a few steps at a time which is the most irritating tactics to battle against as a Protoss player. Alongside with the SCVs that often serve as the meat shield to suck up opponent's damage while obliterating the Protoss player's army forces with your high DPS units. SCVs can often fortify your position by building Bunkers outside the Protoss base. This protects your fragile Marines. Banshees and Raven provides you with high ground sight which serve magnificently with your Siege Tanks.

A few threats has sprout up by Protoss players around the world to find the exact counter to this strategy. Opinions are being gathered and strategies had been discussed. However, there seem to be no single perfect exact answer. I have lost countless of PvT matches to this strategy alone. From the Protoss point of view, probably a unit combination of Immortals with Warp Prism drop, Stalkers, Phoenix, Observer and Zealots can be a very good counter. Other players may opt for a more traditional 3 Gate with Colossus route. Some may argue that Warp Prism haress or even Dark Templar haress will be efficient. However, a lot of Protoss is still having trouble against this build.

Polt Timing Push will often starts with a 1-1-1 Build, Destiny Cloud Fist Build or whatever you prefer to call it. However, players can then select to branch out. Polt Timing Push has currently spawned into a few different variations such:

  • 2 Barracks 1 Factory 1 Starport: Choosing to mix in Maruders into Marines, Tanks, Banshee, Raven (Most of the time no Cloak research for Banshees)
  • 1 Barracks 1 Factory 2 Starports: Marines, Tanks and favor more heavily towards Banshee plays with Cloak
  • 2 Barracks 1 Factory 1 Starport: Marines, Marauders, Banshee, Raven with Thors mix in
  • Or any variations out there
Polt Timing push works perfectly on smaller maps and closer spawn locations. The strongest advantage of this strategy lies in its ability for you as the Terran player to either push into the Protoss Base or you can always choose to expand while building Bunkers to fortify your position outside the Protoss base. Protoss has a very hard time against this one basing build in general. I seriously recommand this strategy for Terran players in the TvP matches and I hope you guys like this tips and guide.


  1. destiny cloud FIST.

  2. great as it terran was not enough OP vs protoss...

    Silly, bad game design, broken match is TvP for protoss.

  3. Terran is overpowered early game. Protoss is imba late game. Blizzard is happy about this so its fine. @@



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