The Best 4 Gate Strategy for PvT

I have been performing this 4 gate variant in my PvT matchups for a long time with a huge success probably as high as 80% until now. This strategy is very micro intensive as your micro determines the strength of it. This is an all in 4 gate strategy where its basically the same as all other one basing strategy where you will most likely lose if your rush fail. The build is exactly the same as the PvP 4 gating build with 1 Zealot and 2 Stalkers at the 26/26 food mark. If you are still not familiar with the PvP 4 gate build, its listed below.

The Build Order

  • 9/10 Pylon 
  • Chrono Boost Probes once Pylon is done
  • 12/18 Gateway and scout with Probe
  • Chrono Boost Probes once more (Spend only a total of 2 Chrono Boost on Probes and the rest for Warp Gate research)
  • 14/18 Assimilator
  • 15/18 Pylon
  • Put Probes into Assimilator when done
  • 17/18 Cybernetics Core
  • Train a Zealot
  • Continue Probes
  • When Core is done Chrono Boost a Stalker and Warp Gate Research
  • Constant Chrono Boosting on Warp Gate Research
  • Stop your Probes when you have 24/26 food count including one Zealot and one Stalker
  • Save up to 450 and build 3 more Gateways
  • Train one more Stalker, thus 26/26 with 20 Probes plus One Zealot and 2 Stalkers
  • Proxy a Pylon near opponents base now with your previous scouting Probe
  • When Warp Gate research is done, warp in 4 more stalkers
  • The exact timing of this build now is approximately 5:45 to 5:50  minutes in game time
  • With your 1 Zealot and 6 Stalkers, use your Probe to build another Pylon outside your opponent's ramp
  • The next round of warp in will consists of 4 Zealots and proceed to win the game. 
I have made a minor change to this build in PvT. As most Terrans will have a scouting SCV at your base before your Stalker pops up majority of the time, you can always try to fake a second Assimilator around the 21 to 22 food mark. Let the SCV see it and most of the time, the SCV will leave your base before your Stalker pops up. If the SCV is still in your base, you can always let your Assimilator complete. If the SCV leaves your base, cancel the Assimilator.

Another point is to spread your Gates as wide as possible, to prevent a 'Scan' by Terran revealing your strategy. You can have 2 Gates beside each other with the other 2 spread out wide.

This strategy works perfectly if the Terran isn't walling the front of his base. As most Terrans currently don't, this 4 Gate variant is quite strong. If you have scouted the Terran walling early in the game, you can always go for another strategy as you have enough time before deciding to use this 4 gate.

When you are in front of the Terran's base with a Zealot and 6 Stalkers army, rush up the ramp with your Zealot tanking the damage. This is where your micro comes into play in determining the success of this strategy. Here's the scenario what you may probably face.

  • 1 Bunker of Marines. This is most likely a win here as your army can easily crush the bunker as the Terran is most likely rushing for Banshees
  • 1-2 Bunkers with a Marauder or 2 and Marines. What you do is to run pass the Bunkers into the Terran's base, stutter micro focusing down any Marines, Marauders and SCVs.
  • No Bunker. Focus down the Terran armies 1 by 1. He will most likely pull his SCVs along. Continue focusing down their armies and try not to lose any Stalkers. 
  • 2-3 Bunkers with Marines and Marauders. The Terran basically knows what your doing and you will most likely lose here.

If you are inside the Terran's base with Marines/Marauders chasing you, Stutter micro focusing down any Marines, Marauders and SCVs while running towards the mineral line. Prevent your army from getting surrounded. Your next wave of warp in should be 4 Zealots or Zealot + any amount of Stalkers where you can afford.. Send them to the Bunker and focus it down as most likely their units will be chasing your Stalkers.

This strategy loses when the Terran is able to get a Banshee with cloak out. So your main priority when your in the Terran base is to focus down the Tech lab on the Starport if there's one.

A final note, do not perform the same strategy twice in a row against the same player as it will most likely fail.

Good luck.

Replays added.

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