Congratulations to Liquid Huk for reachig 4001 Points on the EU server.

Congratulations to LiquidHuk for being the first person in the world to reach 4000 points in the Masters League. A magnificent stats of 386-185 with an impressive 67.60% winning rate. All this is done from only around four days of game play on the SC2 European (EU) Server. It seems that Huk started with around 1000 points in Masters League. Gaining 3000 points over the span of 4 days is no easy feet even for GSL Code S gamers the very best players in the world from Korea. But we are talking about the incredible Huk here. He does things that seems to be impossible for most players. If I'm not mistaken Huk is currently in Europe. 

Huk has been improving crazily fast since the day he first landed at Korea trying out his fate at GSL. Failing to qualify during GSL 3 has put Huk under pressure to perform well. Countless hours and training done by Huk each day has finally paid off. He plays around 10 plus hours a day of Starcraft 2 for your information. If you are still wondering who is this guy, please read my previous post on 'Who is Huk', where I have introduced and gave all the information that I could get hold off.

Be prepared to watch this upcoming Canadian star in this GSL Code A matches starting next week. Big hopes are being put on him from the foreigner's scene other than EgIdra and LiquidJinro. Lets congratulate him once again being the first person around the world to achieve a 4000 Masters League Points.

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