Things You Sould Know For each Races

Today on Starcraft 2 Tips and Guide, I just wish to point out some things that you really should know from the perspective of each races and in general.


1. You can hold down a specific unit short key button to create a repetition of the unit. Eg, instead of pressing D 10 times to train 10 Drones, you can hold down the D button to immediately turn all your larva into Drones.

2. Same rule applies here for Protoss. You can hold down 'Z' left click left click left click to Warp in Zealots intead of Z left click Z left click Z left click.

3. Right click your worker on a mineral patch can make the worker by pass your opponent's units. Eg. when your scouting worker is surrounded, quickly 'Right click' on a mineral patch and your surrounded worker will be able to escape. (EDIT: No longer works since patch 1.20 as your units can't bypass enemy units anymore T_T)

4. There are only 7 patches of mineral patches for the two bases outside your base on Shakuras Plateau. (Refer to my previous post)

5. The income for an ally is split evenly to his other allies if the player has left the game.

6. You can start trading and requesting minerals starting from the 5 minutes in game time.

7. Remember to set 'Unit HP Bar' always 'ON' for ease of micro instead of pressing the 'Alt' button.

8. You can check your Opponent's race again if you didn't pay attention during the load screen by clicking the 'top right' icon to toggle player stats while in game.

9. You can type '/dance' with your units selected to make them dance LOL.


1. Performing a 'Viking Flower' with your Vikings. This is a really useful strategy by bunching all your Vikings together at the same spot. With the advantage of long range, your Vikings will always perform a shot instantly when enemy air units are spotted. A must know in Terran vs Terran matchup. How do you perform this?

- It is best to hotkey all your Vikings at the same key.
- Then 'Right Click' on a spot to make your Vikings bunch up. (You can right click a few times)
- Immediately press 'P' for Patrol and 'left click' on the same spot again.
- This will perform a 'Viking flower' where you will see the vikings bunch up together while spinning.

2. You can actually repair your Mech Units such as Tanks with SCV when both of them are in a Medicvac. Remember to set your 'Auto Repair' on your SCVs.

3. SCVs can repair each other when both of them are inside a Bunker. Set 'Auto Repair' on.

4. Siege Tanks has longer Attack range than its Vision. It is best to gain vision with your air units or Scans.


1. You can Chrono Boost your Gateway when the Gateway is transforming into a Warp Gate. This hasten its transformation.
2. Remember to right click on the 'Build Interceptors' ability on Carriers to set them to auto builds.

3. A Void Ray beats a Queen one to one.

4. Remember to 'Hold' on your Zealot at your front door choke when facing a Zerg opponent. 

5. You will have enough time to kill a Nydus Wurm by sending all your mining Probes on minerals to kill it.


1. You can explode your Banelings when they are Burrowed. Either set the Baneling to auto-explode by 'Right clicking' the Banelings ability when they are Burrowed or you can explode them manually. It is best to do it manually for maximum damage.

2. Overlord Speed upgrade increases the speed of your Overseer as well.

3. Remember to start generating creep with your Overlords when you have your Lair tech. This helps to increase your creep spread creating a creep highway or just to prevent your opponent from expanding.

4. Performing the 'Magic Box' with Mutalisk. Magic Box is a term used for spreading your Mutas to prevent bunch ups

- This skill is very important against the Thors from Terran.
- Thors will completely obliterate bunch up Mutas
- Select all your Mutas and Press 'S' for Stop. Magic Box can also be done by leaving your Mutas alone as they will spread out themself.

- When facing a Thor, DO NOT right click your Mutas on the Thor as this will create a bunch up. Instead once you have done a Magic Box, Right click behind the Thor, when your Mutas are on top of the Thor, Press either 'H' for Hold or 'S' for Stop.
- This significantly reduces the effect of Splash damage from Thors.

5. Infestors can cast 'Infested Terrans' while burrowed.


  1. Actually, workers bypass opposing units was removed in a recent patch. Mining units still can "walk through" friendly units, but not through enemy units now. I think they removed this because of the ability for scouts to get out of surrounds. Otherwise, great tips!

  2. Opps. Yeah Forgot about this. Sorry.



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