SC2 Unit Upgrades- Damage and Armour Upgrades

Starcraft 2 online game. This article will be looking at unit upgrades for each races in Starcraft 2; Protoss , Terran and Zerg. I will not be going into the number crunching for each upgrade because until now I still do can't remember how much each Zealot or even Stalker does. I guess most of you doesn't either. This may be an added advantage if your into the number crunching game but what we actually need is when upgrade to get against each specific races.

Do take note, what I mean by units upgrades are damange, armor and shield upgrades and not unit skill upgrades such as Stim, Blink, Burrow, Hydralisk Range, Siege Mode and others. I will be focusing in only damange and armor upgrades. 

When I started playing Starcraft 1 many many years ago, I do not realise the importance of upgrade in the online game matches at all. First of all, the long upgrade duration time required. It seems eternity to get an upgrade done during the first Starcraft series. Secondly, the heavy mineral and gas investment needed. With limited knowledge when we first started our first online game, we will not be considering much regarding the effects of upgrades in our game.

Why are upgrades so important in our games. This will probably outline a good picture to you on why are upgrades necessary and required. Lets take the Stalker unit from Protoss race as an example. Stalkers starts with a 1 armor base. This means that every incoming damaged received by the Stalker is reduced by 1. Marines have a base damage of 6. When a Stalker battles a Marine, the Stalker will be receiving 5 damage from the Marine instead of 6 due to armor.

Each armor upgrade for Stalker increases the base armor by +1. Thus a completed level 1 upgrade for Stalker will give it a total armor of 2. This will reduce the Marine damage to 4, which is a 20% damage reduction. This is actually huge and greatly affect the outcome of battles. Do take note, the example shown here does not take into effect of other upgrades and the presence of other units.

What Upgrade Do I Get First?

As a general rule of thumb, get armor first against Terran. This will give the most boost to your unit durability when being faced against Terran units. In most games, Marines will be the main unit composition by Terrans for their high damage per second (DPS). With Stim upgrade, Marines can do an obscene amount of damage. Your main priority here will be reducing Terran units damage as much as possible and giving your Zealots armour to tank the damage.

In some cases, where the Terran are massing Mech armies such as Tanks, Hellions, Thors and Vikings. This will require another approach. Go for Damage upgrade when facing this unit composition as armor upgrade basically does nothing. A sieged up tank deals 50 damage to Armored units. It doesn't make a different to reduce the damage to 49. 

Get Damage upgrade first as the general rule of thumb. Damage upgrade will always be given higher priority in the Protoss vs Zerg matchup. The normal upgrade path will be Level 1 Damage, Level 1 Armor, Level 2 Damage and finally Level 3 Damage. This is the standard upgrade path for this matchup as you will not be getting Twilight Council so early in the game.

Game will not normally last so long as most PvP matches involves 1 basing play. If the game does actually go to mid game of PvP. Go for Level 1 Damage, Level 1 Armor, Level 2 Damage, Level 3 Damage etc. PvP is a bloodbath of throwing units at each other and see who have more units left.

Protoss Shield upgrade should only come once you have max up both your Damage and Armour upgrade. The extreme high cost for its upgrade effect is considered the worse amongst all.

Bear with me if my analysis on the Terran and Zerg race being not so accurate as I do not play these races in Starcraft 2 online game solo 1v1. 

Bio Infantry Upgrade will always be given priority if your going for a heavy biological units such as Marines, Marauders and Ghosts. If your opting for a mech play such as Hellions, Thors and Tanks in PvT, research land mechanical upgrades.

Bio upgrades and Land mech upgrade as most of the Terran vs Zerg matches involves Marines and Siege Tanks.

This matchup will be close to TvZ as the main army composition will be Marines and Siege Tanks.

Melee upgrade when you are focusing in units such as Zerglings and Mutalisk approach. I am quite surprise when I realised that melee upgrade actually increases the damage of Banelings. Roach, Hydra plays will require the range damage upgrade. Zerg armor upgrades gives armor bonus for every Zerg units. You should be getting this upgrade when you have the chance.

Zergling, Banelings and Mutas will be the standard units for this matchup. Thus, go for Melee damage upgrade as well as air upgrade.

Another weird mirror match like the PvP. Game does not last very long and one or 2 basing push is very strong. Go for upgrades that give the most boost to your army composition.

Upgrade is definitely one of the main ways to be ahead of your opponents. Having superior upgrades will give your army a serious advantage and edge when engaging. Thus, always get upgrade as soon as possible and early in the game as upgrade duration is very long. The longer the game goes, the more important upgrades will get into effect. A 3-3 upgraded army will always be superior.

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