New Proxy 2 Gate location PvP Xel'Naga Caverns

First of all, I wish to point out that this proxy 2 Gate location will most likely work at high Masters and above or Grandmasters. This proxy location will be very suitable for high tournament plays as well as professional gamers. We will be using the same build for a normal proxy 2 Gateways in PvP; 10 Pylon, 10 Gate and 10 Gate etc.

You may be asking what is so special about this proxy gate build and why is it different from the normal proxy Gate. First of all I wish to point out to you the high level or professional matches for PvP. As we all know PvP is probably the most delicate matchup where any player has a chance of winning it. A micro mistake can often times cause you the game. Every extra minerals will definitely be an advantage. Thus, high level players will often times scout with the 12 Gateway Probe trying to mine as much minerals as possible and not falling behind in resources.

Secondly, the normal Probe scouting pathway on Xel'Naga Caverns. Below is a standard normal scouting Probe pathway used by most Protoss players after the 12 Pylon.

This build will be exploiting and catching your opponent off guard with a different location Proxy Gate.  If your opponent is using the scouting pattern above, his Probe will be reaching your base very late. This gives you enough time to pull this off.

This build will fail if your opponent is scouting with the 9th Probe after Pylon. Often times, with this early Probe, your opponent will send the Probe directly to your base. The Probe will most likely pass the left Xel'naga tower and thus seeing your proxy Gates. This will give him enough time to prepare. Most professional Protoss players will use the 12 scouting Probe with the above patter. Thus, we are actually exploiting the scouting pattern.

Pulling off a cheese is always a gamble. However, I will say, if you know your opponent's Probe scouting pattern on Xel'Naga Caverns, why don't exploit it. If you are in a BO 5 tournament you can probably give this proxy gate location a thought or you might just be feeling to cheese.

* I do not guarantee the success of this proxy Gate location.


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