Protoss vs Protoss is pure 4 gating, PvP=4 gate

I am not exaggerating here. Majority of the times, a PvP match will start with a 4 gate if there isn't any cheese done by your opponent such as proxy 2 gates or cannon rushes. Normally you would scout with your 9th Probe or 12th depending on your preference and map. When your probe reaches your opponents base, you see that he is saving up his energy on his Nexus and only having one gas build. Be prepared cause a 4 gate is coming right on your way.

A lot of you will definitely ask what is the best counter to a 4 gate? The answer is getting a 4 gate up yourself to defend his push. A well executed 4 gate will crush majority of your opponents with a good micro yourself. If your opponent is doing a Gate Robo Gate build, I would say 90% of the time hes a helpless lamb to be slaughtered. Here's the proof that majority of you players out there doesn't know.


Figure 1: Forcefield is in exact middle on the bottom, zealots warped in above it using vision from units below the forcefield

Figure 2: Forcefield is in exact middle of the top, zealots can warp in with the same pylon above the forcefield.

Figure 3: Second Pylon is placed closer to allow multiple units to be warped in on the top.

Yes, you can warp over Forcefields. How do you do this you may ask. The answer is to warp your first zealot at the side corner of the Forcefield. This is followed by warping the rest once you have vision with the first warping in Zealot. Easy!!

So Sentries are weak. A well executed 4 gate will crush majority of your opponents unless he has a superior micro. Remember to place your proxy Pylons properly and get ready to roll. Judge for yourself. Are you 4 gating in PvP today?

This is the nature of PvP. Either you love it or hate it.

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