MLG Columbus 2011 Report- Full of Surprises and Turn of Events

Slayers_MMA wins MLG (Major Gaming League) Columbus 2011 after taking down IMLosira in a very epic match series in the Grand Finals. MMA, often deemed the son of Boxer, showed an impressive performance throughout the whole MLG weekend. Taking his group D in an undefeated record fashion without losing a match in the whole tournament, MMA continue to showed impressive games defeating some of the best SC2 players like EGIdra, IMLosira twice, ST_July, Sjow and Sheth. Slayers_Boxer, the Emperor of Starcraft will definitely be proud of MMA's performance within and outside of Korea SC2 tournaments. MMA continued to show the world why is he the most promising and upcoming Terran with superior micro, impressive tactics and multitasking abilities.

The most surprising event during the whole of MLG Columbus will definitely be what occurred to EGIdra. During Day 1 Idra showed the world why is he the best Zerg in the North American server by taking his Group of Death with a 5-1 record and placing first in the group. The Group of Death is coined because of the number of incredible high level SC2 players within the group itself such as oGsMC, Select, LiquidTyler, Thorzain and LiquidRet. The Gracken took down oGsMC in the group stages with a promising 2-0 record ending on top of the group with the only match loss to Thorzain.

4 Koreans were invited to the MLG Columbus 2011, IMLosira, Slayers_MMA, oGsMC (replacing ST_Bomber who missed his flight) and finally the ST_July. In the end, three of the Koreans took the top 3 placings in MLG Columbus. This showed that, the Korean SC2 professional gamers are still on top in the game.

During the closing of the Group pool stages, four players namely Naniwa (returning MLG Champion is looking to defend his title), EGIdra (The best Zerg in US), Slayers_MMA and IMLosira were placed into the winners group Semifinals. IMLosira defeated Naniwa with one of the most convincing fashion by showing the SC2 world a new strategy of staying low tier, while massing Roaches and Zerglings for a very long time. Losira only gets the Lair upgrade very late into the game during his match against Naniwa on Shakuras Plateau. Losira continue to impress the fans with creative strategies where he has previously revolutionize the PvZ matchup with his Losira Roach and Zergling timing push and even the introduction of using Banelings in the PvZ matchup which is unheard of before.

The following is definitely the highlight of the whole tournament. EgIdra is facing MMA during the winners bracket semifinals. During game 1, both players were playing a standard TvZ where MMA is going for a Marines, Siege Tanks and Medivacs strategy while EGIdra is using the Standard Ling, Multalisk and Banelings. To the suprise of the Casters and viewers, MMA ACCIDENTALLY target down his own Orbital Command at his Gold Expansion. Everyone was caught off guard by MMA's huge mistake that may cost him the game. Having down in bases and economy, MMA continue to do multiple drops at Idras expansions. Idra is taking good care of MMA's drops. Suddenly a 'GG' were type on the chat and EGIDRA left the game. The casters and viewers were dumb folded on what actually happen. Did Idra just left the game where he has a good advantage and very much ahead? The silent went on for around 10 seconds, when Day9 actually wakes up from the surprising turn of event. Everyone was wondering what actually happened. In the end, apparently, Idra, the Gracken thought that he was behind during the point and GGs. This is definitely the highlight craze of the event. Fans and viewers were all caught surprised by this event. The only player seen laughing and cheering behind the screen is non other than his opponent Slayers_MMA. In game 2, a mass Marine from 3 Rax ends the game in less than 8 minutes. The Gracken is often known for preemptive GG during his games by the community of Starcraft 2 but this is totally absurd. I am totally speechless when I saw what actually happen. Idra will definitely be a person you love or hate. This continue to haunt Idra for the rest of the tournament.

Naniwa, the returning MLG Champion had lost his match against Losira and will now be face oGsMC, the Kratoss Protoss in the losers bracket. Naniwa who looks up to MC will now has his chance to face against his favourite Protoss player. This match itself will determine who is the best Protoss in the world currently. Naniwa is the best Protoss in the West while MC is in the East. Both of them will be fighting for the pride and honour being SC2 best Protoss player. Naniwa just robbed oGsMC's title of the SUICIDE TOSS!! In their game 1, Naniwa pulled off a perfect 2 Gate into 4 Gate strategy against the unsuspecting MC who went for a fast Dark Shrine DT build. MC made a huge error in his Force Field allowing the Gateway armies of Naniwa up into his ramp. Naniwa is worlds ahead at this point and MC is praying that he can chrono boost his Dark Shrine. To the surprise of everyone, Naniwa pulled of the the largest mistake by DANCING his Zealots at MC's mineral line. Everyone was dumb folded (again) by his action. The delay enable MC to complete his Dark Shrine and Warping in 1 DT at Naniwa's base and 2 at his own. It seems that Naniwa just threw his game away (......Sounds like Idra). Naniwa could have taken down the Dark Shrine right away at that point. MC proceeded to the match with a convincing 2-0 record. The 'Dance of Death' has costed Naniwa the game and probably his second consecutive MLG champion trophy.

This will be the rematch of oGsMC and EGIdra. Having up 2-0, Idra will only needs 2 more wins to win the match series. MC on the other hand needs to win 4 due to the tournament format of MLG where if there is a rematch between players, their previous record will be calculated into a best of 7 series. MC proceeded to take 4 straight wins of Idra. The Gracken continue his preemptive GG in all the games after the MMA event. Idra seems to be too disappointed by his previous game.

In the winners bracket finals, MMA defeated Losira convincingly sending the Zerg player down into the losers finals against oGsMC. oGsMC finally falls in the hands of IMLosira, placing MC the third place of MLG Columbus 2011. Losira will be facing against MMA in the Grand finals. In the end after the dust settles, Slayers_MMA is crowned the champion of SC2 MLG Columbus 2011.

MLG Columbus will definitely be regarded as the tournament with lots of surprises and turn of events of most notably EGIdra and the new 'Suicide Toss' Naniwa. MLG is definitely one of the best SC2 tournament events so far. SC2 crowds and fans around the world cheered of the success in the tournament event itself. Epic and interesting games were played between the best SC2 players around the world. The invited Korean guests definitely creates more interesting outcome of the tournament. In the end, 3 of the 4 Koreans claimed top 3 spots of MLG Columbus.

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