4v4 Team Game Strategy - Part 5- Terran

Fifth part of 4v4 Starcraft 2 Team Game Strategy is here. If you havn't read the previous articles on the series, I would recommend you to read them first before proceeding as the series which gives you a better sense on how general team games on Starcraft 2 works and strategies to be considered such as maps, spawn locations, your allies races, your opponents' races and strategies to be best used. A well planned game will mostly be shorting and overwhelming your opponent in a short time. With good strategy being support by a great team work, you and your buddies are definitely on your ways to Starcraft 2 Diamond league.

This part will be pointing towards the Terran's point of view on 4v4 team games. In general, the Terran race is a very efficient race. This is due to the efficient cost of Marines as well as their bio armies such as Marines, Marauders combo which is really cost efficient and cheap. With Stim and Medivacs thrown in, you can easily get rid of one or more enemies by yourself. I am not implying on any imbalance here.


First of all, as a Terran, always always and always wall of your front in 4v4 team games and I can't emphasize on how important is this. Keep an eye on your enemies scouts to prevent them from haressing your building your first depot or barracks. Often times, there are players on team games that likes to send a worker each to haress and targeting hard on their Terran enemies that are in the building process. If there's one or more workers targeting your builder, do not hesitate to pull out one or more Scvs to prevent them.

What is so strong about the Terran walling? Terran can get their front walled up very very early in the game, thus your guaranteed not to be Zergling Rushed whether in a form of 6 pool, 8 pool etc. If your opponent proxied Gateway Zealots in front of you remember to always repair.

I) Mass Marines
The general build that I use most on my 4v4 team games are 10 Supply Depot, 12 Barracks and 14 Barracks. I generally gets my first gate very late at around 30 food. This is followed by 3rd and 4th barracks. This build focuses on getting a ball of Marines out as soon as possible. In general you need to know how to perform Marines Stutter Step Micro. I have posted on this in one of my previous articles. In general Marines is very efficient and has no problem taking down Zerglings, Zealots and Marines. A large ball of Stimed Marines can easily triumph opposing armies even when they have a Stalker Ball. Just Stim and Stutter Step front. This works excellently due to the high Marine Damage Per Second DPS and their small size. Do take note they have low health so remember to upgrade Marine health as well.

II) Bio - Marines, Marauders, Medivac (MMM)
You can use the general 12 Barracks, 13 Gas build. On the other hand, you can choose the path with Marines first about getting a 12 and 14 Barracks and the transition into MMM ball. Once you have two to four Medivacs, starting to drop your armies at opponents' bases and snipe their Main base and kill as many workers as possible and then retreat out.

III) Marines with Siege Tanks/Thors Mech build
A normal 12 Barracks and 13 Gas build. Try to bunker up in front if you sense a rush coming your way. I am a serious believer on Terran bio armies and not a big fan of Mech Terran builds in team games. Siege tanks have a serious weakness. Their mobility. However, their crazy amount of damage can really cause problems if you are able to get a good position. 2 barracks and 2 Factories with Tech labs.

IV) Super fast Banshee
Ahhhh~~ The Terrans flying Dark Templars. This is really irritating when being faced with fast Cloaked Banshees early in the game at the 7th minute mark onwards. Remember to wall your front and get 2 bunkers of Marines for defence. Banshee can do serious serious damage if left unchecked. Do remember this build requires lots of gas, the same same fast Dark Templar builds.

V) Proxy 2 Barracks fast Marines.
Proxy can always work very well if your allies are rushing with you together. If your opponent doesn't scout it and unprepared, you can easily take out their team.

VI) Other builds such as Reapers, Hellions, Ghost Nukes etc
These type of builds can create massive damage but only works very well on lower level or leagues but not to be used against good opponents. These builds are not cost efficient and can be countered really easily if your opponent knows what hes doing.

Do test out any other builds that are not stated above. 4v4 Team Games are more towards casual and fun based. Stay tuned for 4v4 Team Game Strategy - Part 6 - Zerg and cheers.

1 comment :

  1. Really clear and helpful man, appreciate the posting!



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