Clan Slayers Wins GSTL May

Slayers_MMA, often regarded as the son of The Emperor himself, Slayers_Boxer showed why he is the best Starcraft 2 Terran player in the entire Global Starcraft 2 Team League (GSTL). His awesome performances throughout both the GSTL seasons has impressed millions of SC 2 fans around the world. Today's GSTL May finals proves to be so epic that players from both teams, Slayers and MVP are throwing out their best plays and performances.

 In game 1, Slayers sent out one of their top Terrans, Slayers_Ryung in hope of claiming the first few wins. However, their wish was shattered and stop cold by none other than MVPGenius, the Blizzard Invitational champion. Slayers_Min, the top Zerg player from Slayers eventually takes down Genius in Game 2 of the series evening up the score 1 to 1.

In game 3, MVPKeen, the Terran player crippled Slayers_Min with well time Hellion haress and timing push. Slayers soon sent out an relatively unknown Protoss player, Slayers_Frozen in hope of getting back in the series. Frozen pulled out a surprisingly new Stalkers Blink position on Tel Darim Altar where, he managed to Blink right into Keen's base with the help of the vision provided by a Pylon bypassing the Terran's main defense at his natural expansion and eventually taking down the Terran player with impressive micro and catching his opponent in a bad position. Fans and viewers went wild of the new discovery shown by Frozen.

Frozen proceeded to take another game from MVPViolet in game 5, where Violet got too much ahead of himself trying to end the game early with overproduction of Zerglings after seeing a fast Stargate by Frozen. The new player, puts clan Slayers first time ahead in the series by 3 to 2.

Game 6 sees MVP sending out GuineaPig a very impressive Random player. The random player factor did wonders for clan MVP in the previous rounds. GuineaPig soon takes down Frozen and evening the score once again. Slayers_Ganzi is the next player ordered to take down the random player and Ganzi did his job perfectly.

Soon in Game 8, clan MVP's only hope and best performing player so far, MVPDongRaeGu the impressive Zerg player with an undefeated record in live televised matches (This is his first GSTL and not in Code A or S currently. His record so far is like 4-0 or 5-0 in GSTL which is really impressive taking down players like oGsMC and MarineKingPrime in previous rounds.) DonRaeGu shows everyone whey he is the Ace player of MVP and holding off against Ganzi's all in with perfect defence.

It all comes down to the final hope of Clan Slayers in the hand of Slayers_MMA. MMA superior performance throughout this GSTL and previous GSTL has been an excellent run. The best player in Slayers Clan has managed to grab important wins for his team and leading his team to the finals once again. MMA is a player who perform extremely well under immense pressure. It all comes down to these two players who will be claiming the pride and glory for their teams.

The final match was indeed the most epic game so far throughout the entire GSTL May. MMA and DongRaeGu traded blows after blows against each other and trading armies after armies. During the early to mid game, DongRaeGu's superior macro mechanics managed to put him on top of MMA. However, MMA proved that why he is Slayers hope by evening out the score taking down DOnRaeGu's expansions multiple times with impressive drops and pushes. The game is too even to call a winner during 30 minutes into the game time. MMA's SC2 strategy of denying the Zerg's expansion has finally paid off and managed to secure the gold expansion himself. During the final battles, both players are still considered very even. However, the Zerg has finally been starved out of resources and MMA managed to finally claim the game and title of GSTL MAY champion.

Slayers Clan wins their second consecutive GSTL titles. Slayers_MMA, the man and hope behind Slayers success has a very impressive run lately. Boxer and Cella, the captain of Slayers are definitely proud of their players.

Clan MVP has performed very impressive as well. Deemed the underdog of the whole GSTL, the first time GSTL competitor managed to reach the finals with impressive players such as MVPDongRaeGu by taking down clan oGs and Prime.

Congratulations to Slayers for winning GSTL May.

GSTL May Finals Results

Game1: Ryung (T) vs Genius (P)
Game 2: Min (Z) vs Genius (P)
Game 3: Min (Z) vs Keen (T)
Game 4: Frozen (P) vs Keen (T)
Game 5: Frozen (P) vs Violet (Z)
Game 6: Frozen (P) vs GuineaPig (R / Z)
Game 7: Ganzi (T) vs GuineaPig (R / Z)
Game 8: Ganzi (T) vs DongRaeGu (Z)
Game 9: MMA (T) vs DongRaeGu (Z)


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