Blink Stalkers Location on Tel'Darim Altar - Protoss SC2 Strategy

This is a new Starcraft 2 strategy Blink Stalkers location on Tel'Darim Altar shown by Slayers_Frozen in the recent GSTL May Finals. Frozen eventually took down his opponent, MVPKeen a Terran player using this new Blink location. The snapshots below will give you a better picture on how to pull off the new Blink location.
Step 1: Leave one Stalker on top of the edge. Blink your other Stalkers below. It is advisable to place a proxy Pylon to warp in additional Stalkers.
Step 2: Next, Blink the one Stalker over the edge to gain vision.

Step 3: Finally, Blink your Stalkers below on top once you have gain more vision. Proceed to haress the main base of your opponent. You can use this at all four locations on the map.

When to use this Starcraft 2 strategy?
This Blink Stalker strategy is a perfect and extremely powerful choice against a Terran play who goes for a 1 Barracks Expansion build. Most Terrans will build multiple Bunkers at the front of his expansion for defence with Marines. With this blink location you will bypass their main defence and right into their main base. The Terran player is forced to pull most of his armies back into the main base to defend against your Stalkers.

You can then Blink your Stalkers back to your Pylon using the SHIFT BLINK trick. Make sure you have enough distance. Or you can first blink your Stalkers down into the pit and then blink them back up.You will next go for the empty Bunkers and destroy them as the Terran is most likely caught in a bad position within his main base. Without the Bunkers and with a good Blink micro, you can often times end the game at this point.

On Tel'Darim Altar it is often very difficult to deny the Terran's 1 Rax expansion build. The Terran player will most likely has enough units to defend the front of his natural. Even a 4 gate strategy will fail to break the Bunkers as the SCV's will be repairing them. With the recent increase in Warp Gate Research time, the 4 Gate strategy got even weaker.

With this new Starcraft 2 strategy, Protoss players can now abuse and by pass the Terran's main defence. You will most likely be using a fast 3 Gate Blink Stalker build, where you get a Gate, Core, Twilight Council, Gate, Gate build and proceed to pull this off.

Be careful when you are pulling this trick off. If the Terran scouted and aware what you are doing, you will be at a slight advantage. You do not want to have your Stalkers stuck at the low ground without any vision to Blink them back. But most of the time, you will be having enough army to deal with the Terran if he splits his army into half.

PvP and PvZ

This may be a good SC2 strategy location with Blink Stalkers in PvP if both of you are not going for a 4 Gate build. As for the PvZ matches, this may work to a certain extend bypassing the Spine Crawlers. However, with Speedlings and Roaches it is often times hard to pull a one base Blink Stalkers against a good Zerg opponent.

This is indeed a wonderful discovery by Slayers_Frozen from Slayers team. Good luck in trying this new Protoss SC2 strategy. I will be trying this out in my online games.


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