Whitera / Duckloadra the Beast from the East

Whitera or Duckloadra (Duckload is his sponsor) is probably one of the most famous foreign Protoss player from outside Korea. A professional gamer in Broodwar and Starcraft 2, the Ukrainian legend, has made a name for himself in the Starcraft 2 scene. Whitera is often considered the top 3 Protoss players outside of Korea other than the upcoming Naniwa. His playstyle is very refined and considered an all around player. Good in micro, macro, tech, strategy and top decision making skills is what makes Duckloadra such a fearful European Protoss player.

During the GSL world championship match between the Korean team and the World, Whitera managed to take down oGsMC, the Kratoss Protoss and probably the best Starcraft 2 player to date. With his insane micro skill, Whitera managed to hold off MC's deadly 4 Gate push. Whitera then used one of his trademark Warp Prism haress to kill lots of MC's Probes and eventually taking down the legend. During the Dreamhack invitational finals, Whitera once again faced against his nemesis, oGsMC. Whitera managed to win the first two games. However, MC claimed the next 3 wins and thus the championship.


Duckload Whitera will definitely be a favourite player among his worldwide fans. A very friendly and down to earth player, Whitera has shown us some of the most impressive games. Warp Prism haress is one of Whitera's favourite to name a few. Currently, Whitera is showing his 'SECRET TACTICS' series where he will perform and pull off weird strategies in his online game. You can get some of the replays from his website here. WHITERA

The first replay I saw from his latest 'SECRET TACTICS' replay pack involved the use of 2 Stargate Void Ray into Carriers against his Zerg opponent. Not something we get to see everyday. I definitely recommend you guys to watch those replay packs. Each replay pack consists of probably 30 replays.

Currently Whitera's fans are putting his photos everywhere. Here's a few.


And finally I feel that I have to post this one. LOL, this is so funny that I cant stop laughing.
Long live Cat-Ra

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