Zerg Strategy ZvP Losira Rush - Starcraft 2 Strategy

Starcraft 2 Guide - Losira Zerg vs Protoss SC2 strategy

The Losira Zerg Push is currently one of the most used Zerg vs Protoss SC2 strategy matchup. I have encountered the Losira Push countless of times in my solo online game ladder. For those of you who are not familiar with this SC2 strategy, this is the Roach Zergling push popularised by IMLosira during his match against Slayers_Alicia in the recent GSL code S matches. Losira managed to take two straight games against Alicia the upcoming Protoss players from clan Slayers. (For your information Slayers_Alicia's PvT is probably the best in the world right now.)

What is the Losira Push? Basically the build involves getting 8 roaches and a large number of Zerglings. This build is extremely strong and is a perfect counters to the standard Protoss 3 Gate expand build with mass sentries which is the most commonly used build in the PvZ matchup.

A lot of you will be stating that this is an old all in SC2 strategy build that utilizes the Roach and Zergling mix.At first glance the Losira build seems to be an all in strategy. However, do not be fooled by this. You can either expand behind the pressure or tech up to Hydras etc. The build is very flexible and I seriously feel that this is one of the best Zerg vs Protoss strategy now.

Losira ZvP rough build order (I am not too sure on the exact build order). 
  • 14 Pool and Gas
  • 1 Drone to Gas
  • Queen, expand when first set of Zerglings are out
  • Keep Droning the whole time.
  • Upgrade Zergling Speed at 5:00
  • Build Roach Warren at 5:40
  • Stop Drones when you have around 34 Drones
  • Produce 8 Roaches and the rest Zerglings (Rally to the Protoss base)(Around 6:30)
  • Expand when pressuring / Get Evo Chamers / Upgrade Lair
Why is this build so strong?
  • The Losira build reaches the Protoss expansion at around 7:30 in game time when Protoss goes for a 3 Gate expand
  • 7:00 to 7:30 is the timing where Hallucinated Phoenix will be used to scout the Zerg. The scout will be too late at this point
  • This timing push is very strong as Protoss players generally has around 1 Zealot 6 Sentries at this point as Protoss players are trying hard to get the macro up and saturating the expansion. 
  • The Losira push can often end the game here if the Protoss player fails to wall (Sim city) properly and without any Cannons. 
  • Sentries generally gets decimated by microed Roaches. 
  • If you do not kill the Protoss at this point, you will often deal enough damage to his economy and keeping the Sentries number and mana very low.
  • Zerg can easily transition by upgrading Lair in between and getting a 3rd Hatchery during the pressure.
  • You will be ahead with a strong economy and worker count teching to Hydras / Roach Speed.
  • Protoss will not have any scouting information when the Zerglings are out on the map holding the Xel'naga towers. 
  • This looks exactly like a standard Zerg build with the Roach Warren for defence.
Points to keep in mind when you are performing the Losira ZvP style
  • This is not an all in strategy. Do not go overboard and push too hard. Always get a second expansion when pressuring
  • Focus down the Sentries. These are the Protoss money units. Every Sentries costs 100 gas.
  • Micro your Roaches well and focusing down the Cannons.
  • Get your Spore Crawlers out if the Protoss player is sticking to a one base build and not a standard 3 Gate expand. (You can do this by poking his front wall and checking his unit composition. If Protoss starts with a Zealot + Stalker, this often indicates a tech build either Stargate or Dark Templar)
  • Flank with your Roaches and Zerglings. Your aim is to surround the Sentries with your Zerglings and focusing them down.
  • Take down Pylons that are used for the wall. This allows your Zerglings to move in.
  • If there is no Cannons kill the Protoss player.
IMNestea used the Losira Roach Ling tactic to take two games off oGsInca in the GSL 6 May finals. I seriously recommend Zerg players to try out this push. Pressure the Protoss players and throw them off their games and not taking the defensive stance. If anyone has the exact build order, please post in the comment section.

You can create some variation in this starcraft 2 strategy like going faster Hydras or Roach upgrades or fast second expansion etc. Everyone should try out more variations of strategies. 




  1. you wont have enough gas with only 1 drone in the geysir the whole time, no?

  2. Your right.

    You will need to send a total of 3 at some point. The initial build was 1 Drone but I have seen more players are putting 3 into Gas early for early Speedlings and I feel this is probably the better way. Pull them out when you have first 100 gas and put them back in later.

  3. its a lot better if you delay that extractor for a while( so the drone mines more b4 it sacrifices itself) and then get 2 drones mining gas( since 2 drones can mine gas without problems)

  4. Just check Losira's replays from MLG Columbus against MC. Losira goes 14 Pool and Gas. When Gas is done send in 3 Drones. When you have 100 gas pull drones of gas. During 5:00 send Drones back into gas. At 5:30 build a Roach Warren.

    This definitely eases your build.



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