Patch 1.3.3 Analysis

1.3.3 patch for Starcraft 2 online game has been released at the SEA server and soon will be released for the other regions. This seems to be a weird timing as the new patch is released right before two major Starcraft 2 tournament finals, TSL 3 and GSL May 6. The professional gamers will probably have a very limited timing window to figure out new builds and strategies.

Patch 1.3.3's main aim is to fix the Protoss vs Protoss matchup, where the PvP matchup is often considered the most dull and shortest match. Games often ends before the 10 minutes mark. 4 Gate is the most prevalent strategy. This is actually very bad for the game, Starcraft 2, as players are often bottleneck to perform mostly 4 Gate strategy and other builds such as Gate Robo / Gate Stargate openings just die to 4 Gates. Second, from the spectators point of view, it is always anticlimactic to watch short games for PvP thus, creating a bad publicity and image for the game.

First of all, this is the patch notes.


  • Now a Massive unit.
  • Range increased from 2 to 3.
Cybernetics Core
  • Research Warp Gate research time increased from 140 to 160.
  • Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.
  • Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged.
Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.

  • Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.
  • Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.
  • Thor now has 200 max energy, and starts with 50 energy.
  • 250mm Strike Cannons now cost 150 energy to use (cooldown removed).

  • Speed decreased from 2.5 to 2.25.
Spore Crawler
  • Root time decreased from 12 to 6.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to stack air units when issuing a queued stop command before the units reached the end of their patrol point.
  • Fixed an issue where unplugging your USB headset while another player was talking to you could cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where the APM statistic could be artificially increased.
  • Fixed an issue where 3D unit portraits were not animating smoothly at slow game speeds.
  • Fixed an issue where, when viewing a replay, no text message was displayed when a player left a game.
  • The Taiwanese hotkey to display/hide the game UI while in Observer mode now works correctly. 

First of all, the Archon buff is really great. Archon now is a massive unit. Massive units such as Archon/ Colossus have the ability to break over force fields. We will see more Archon usage in the PvP matchup as going for the Templar route will get more common. The massive unit size for Archon has always been wanted by Protoss players for the PvT matchup. Archons are now not slowed down by Concussive Shells of Marauders anymore. This is a really good change and lauded by all Protoss players.

The range from 2 to 3 is another bonus thrown into the Archon. The works the best against Muta Haress against Zerg. In previous patches, Protoss generally has a lot of troubles once a large Muta ball is on the map. From the range buff, Archon works wonderfully at defending your bases as well as dealing with the Zerg army. For your information, any units that appears between the range 3 will also be dealt splash damage which is really awesome.

Warpgate Research
The Warpgate Research has been increased from 140 to 160. This is a change to slow down the 4 Gate timing push which often comes at 5.45. An increase of 20 seconds here will give you enough time to set up your defence and getting out more units. The longer Warpgate research may probably affects the PvT matchup such as the 3 Gate timing push a very popular strategy in PvT. Thus, the longer research will mostly affects aggressive builds. Defensive builds should be fine as you are mostly spending your Chrono Boosts on your Probes.

Sentry build time reduces from 42 to 37 s. At the previous (PTR) Public Testing Region patch notes released, every unit from the Gateway has been reduced by 5 seconds. This causes a massive surge in 2 Gate proxy strategies in the PTR. Finally, only the Sentry manage to get a reduction in build time to balance up the warp gate change

Pylon Radius
The main change for Pylon range from 7.5 to 6.5 is to nerf the offensive 4 Gate warp in above the ramp. Previously, with range 7.5 is longer than the Stalkers range of 6. Now, Stalkers will most likely hit the forward Pylon. However, I feel the major change here is the Forge Fast expansion build positioning. Take for example, on Shakuras Plateau, you can wall in with only a Pylon behind to fully wall in with Forge, Gate and Core previously. Now, you need two Pylons to complete the wall. Your first pylon will block one of the buildings. Thus, either you should place the first Pylon at the side or not doing a full wall.

Bunkers are no longer free. Protoss and Zerg players applaud for this change. This affects the offensive and defensive bunkers slightly.

Ghost requires less Gas now with more minerals. 200 Minerals and 100 Gas from 150/150 is a slight buff. Ghost will be more common in both the Protoss and Zerg matchup. With the Thors mana bar, you can EMP your own Thor at times to negate Templars Feedback. Ghost works very well against Infestors as well.

Thor has got their mana bar back which has previously been removed. This is a nerf, as Templars are able to Feedback them.

At first, the reduction of Infestors speed seems to be a nerf. However, EgIdra and EGMachine has confirmed on this change is a buff. The argument here the reduction of speed here will keep the Infestors behind the Zerg's army. Previously, Infestors will often run ahead of the Zerg army.

Spore Crawler a good buff against Void rays and Banshee haresses.

This is a very good patch as first it manages to fix the Protoss vs Protoss matchup. 4 Gate has been nerfed and we will get to see more and wider range of strategies in PvP. The main aim of fixing the PvP matchup has been achieve.

I was watching Whitera / Duckloadra's stream yesterday where he was testing against Kiwikaki in PvP for the new patch. They are both using non-4 gate builds which seems to be great. Phoenix, Robo, Templar tech are now all feasible for the matchup.

The Warpgate change will probably affects other matches, however, I am sure Protoss will overcome this change and come out with new builds.



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