Team Games Guide: Rally Points

This article is dedicated to how to place your rally points in Starcraft 2 team games such as 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4. Often times, you should be aware where you are placing your rally points, either in a defensive position or when on offensive. You should be careful not to let your rallied units get intercepted by your opponents.

Rally points can basically be divided into two areas, the Defensive Rally Points and Offensive Rally Points.

Defensive Rally Points
You spawn at the 3 o clock base on Outpost, a 4v4 team game map. The blue point is where you rally your units to the front of your base or expansions where you are basically on a defensive position and not attacking your opponents. This normally happens when you are building up your armies and early in the game.

Offensive Rally Points
The red point a FORWARD rally points set outside your opponent's base as you and your allies are going on an assault mode. Units are constantly trained and reinforced to your opponent's base when you are on offensive.

Lets look at the rally points for each races.

***Basically on this map (Outpost) you can just aim to deny your opponent's expansion while getting yours. You will be so far ahead if you manage to achieve this.***

  • Always gather and group up your army together
  • Either inside your base or outside opponent's base that are safe
  • Often times I prefer to just gather up and rally my units inside base. Bio units are weak in small numbers.
  • Zerg rally points works basically the same as Terran. 
  • Larva Larva. As a general rule, I will generally only spread creep tumours when I am going for the Roach/Hydra route. If I am focusing on Zerglings/Mutalisk army, I will not bother to spread creep around. Zerglings/Mutalisk are very mobile themselves.
  • If you are going for a Roach/Hydra army, I would normally rally them to places with creep.
  • Protoss is definitely the best when it comes to Rally Points because Protoss DO NOT have rally points. A few offensive foward Pylons allow Protoss to warp anywhere around the map.
  • Forward Pylon is the most important when Protosses are on offensive mode. Try to hide your Pylons somewhere safe and near opponent's base.
I prefer to place my forward Pylons at these spots.

Ask me questions on Rally Points if there are specific points you are looking for.

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